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3.3.1 IMG_isCUR

int IMG_isCUR(SDL_RWops *src)


If the BMP format is supported, then the image data is tested to see if it is readable as a CUR, otherwise it returns false (Zero).

Returns: 1 if the image is a CUR and the BMP format support is compiled into SDL_image. 0 is returned otherwise.

// Test sample.cur to see if it is a CUR
SDL_RWops *rwop;
rwop=SDL_RWFromFile("sample.cur", "rb");
	printf("sample.cur is a CUR file.\n");
	printf("sample.cur is not a CUR file, or BMP support is not available.\n");

See Also:
3.2.4 IMG_LoadCUR_RW, 3.2.3 IMG_LoadTyped_RW

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