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3.5.1 SDLNet_AllocPacket

UDPpacket *SDLNet_AllocPacket(int size)

Size, in bytes, of the data buffer to be allocated in the new UDPpacket.
Zero is invalid.

Create (via malloc) a new UDPpacket with a data buffer of size bytes.
The new packet should be freed using SDLNet_FreePacket when you are done using it.

Returns: a pointer to a new empty UDPpacket. NULL is returned on errors, such as out-of-memory.

// create a new UDPpacket to hold 1024 bytes of data
UDPpacket *packet;

if(!packet) {
    printf("SDLNet_AllocPacket: %s\n", SDLNet_GetError());
    // perhaps do something else since you can't make this packet
else {
    // do stuff with this new packet
    // SDLNet_FreePacket this packet when finished with it

See Also:
3.5.4 SDLNet_AllocPacketV, 3.5.2 SDLNet_ResizePacket, 3.5.3 SDLNet_FreePacket, 3.4.6 SDLNet_UDP_Send, 3.4.8 SDLNet_UDP_SendV, 4.4 UDPpacket

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